In Rutherford County, Smyrna and Lavergne, both, experienced widespread outages.
From the
The ancient game of Mah-jongg gained widespread popularity in the 1950s and 60s.
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Widespread official corruption and land grabbing only exacerbates the animosity.
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We're in the early stages of fairly widespread enormous wealth around the world.
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A major reason is that counter-opinions may be as widespread and as influential.
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Food vs fuel was a much bigger deal before widespread adoption of DDGS for feed.
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This is the tenth time this year airlines have tried widespread price increases.
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There is widespread denial for example that fish stocks are being overexploited.
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Who would have expected such widespread and lavish spending in a game like this?
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More examples
Widely circulated or diffused; "a widespread doctrine"; "widespread fear of nuclear war"
Far-flung: distributed over a considerable extent; "far-flung trading operations"; "the West's far-flung mountain ranges"; "widespread nuclear fallout"
Affecting a large area (e.g. the entire land or body); broad in extent
A style of bathroom lavatory faucet having separate spout and handles, usually 8" from center of handle to handle.
Occurring extensively throughout an area.
Scope of a deficiency is widespread when the problems causing the deficiency is pervasive in the health care facility and/or represents a systemic failure that affected or has the potential to affect a large portion or all of the facility's residents.