Wheal Jane used to be the site of a disused tin mine which was closed in 1992.
From the thisisbristol.co.uk
Increasingly, allergists are measuring and recording the diameter of the wheal and flare reaction.
From the en.wikipedia.org
After 10 minutes, the injection site is measured to look for growth of wheal, a small swelling of the skin.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Wheal Buller Chapel was a magnet to us.
From the thisisbristol.co.uk
If the wheal grows larger than 13 mm, then no further injection are given since this is considered a major reaction.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Piedmontese beef and porcini ragout with rosemary wheal pappardelle at Tipica, a new restaurant inside Caputo's in Salt Lake City.
From the sltrib.com
The end point is the concentration of antigen that causes an increase in the size of the wheal followed by confirmatory whealing.
From the en.wikipedia.org
More examples
Wale: a raised mark on the skin (as produced by the blow of a whip); characteristic of many allergic reactions
"The Wheal" is a song by Coil released on two separate 7" vinyl singles.
A cutaneous condition is any medical condition that affects the integumentary systemu2014the organ system that encloses the body and includes skin, hair, nails, and related muscle and glands. The major function of this system is as a barrier against the external environment.
A small raised swelling on the skin, often itchy, caused by a blow from a whip or an insect bite etc
(Wheals) A raised, itchy (pruritic) area of skin that is almost always an overt sign of allergy. Not all wheals are alike.
(Wheals) Rounded elevations on the skin known as lesions, with red edges and pale centers, extremely pruritic, or itchy.
A circumscribed transitory swelling of the skin appearing as a hive. Generally, it is slightly reddened, often blanched in the center, changing in size and shape, extending to adjacent areas and usually accompanied by intense itching. Rays of swelling termed flares often encircle wheals. ...