With a push of a button, the commodore can weigh anchor and head for open water.
From the time.com
The corsair ordered his ships to weigh anchor and move towards the port.
From the en.wikipedia.org
After four days, they allowed the ship to weigh anchor, not before confiscating her cargo of Spanish goods.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Time to weigh anchor and let these Pirates sail off into the sunset.
From the movies.uk.msn.com
At the two other networks, where no similar plans to weigh anchor have been announced, the ABC experiment will no doubt be watched closely.
From the time.com
The detectives theorized that Skylar could have dumped the bodies somewhere in Mexico, or maybe at sea, using the anchor to weigh them down so they didn't float to the surface.
From the ocregister.com
I was ready to cop out of the next morning's ride when the captain cancelled it anyway, declaring the seas now safe enough for us to weigh anchor.
From the guardian.co.uk
Officers who had assembled for the auction on the Brunswick's decks rushed back to their own vessels and began ordering their crews to weigh anchor and prepare to sail.
From the time.com
An old gentleman, once the Manakis'assistant, relates how Yannakis Malakis had told him about the lost film reels while preparing to shoot a sailing ship about to weigh anchor from Salonika.