The ship was on its way from Norway to Germany when it capsized in mild weather.
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The Norwegian weather ship Polarfront is equipped with a battery of instruments to measure wind speed, humidity and carbon dioxide.
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A weather ship was a ship stationed in the ocean as a platform for surface and upper air meteorological observations for use in weather forecasting.
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During the siege of the Peking Legations in 1900 the RMLI wore their usual hot weather ship-board working dress of blue field service cap, blue tunic and white trousers.
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Data were collected aboard the Norwegian weather ship Polarfront, equipped with a battery of instruments to measure wind speed, humidity and carbon dioxide.
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The weather began to worsen so the ship stopped to take on ballast at Somerset.
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The weather was too severe, and even ship to ship communication was too difficult.
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Bad weather forced the ship to shelter in the lee of a stranded iceberg.
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Because of bad weather the ship was sealed for 24 hours.