Studying the weather chart in the safety of my bunk, I could see more depressions coming up behind us, and I called to David that we might have to alter course for Ireland.
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There is a useful weather chart for the dates of Gordon's expedition and a chronology of Lee's invasion from the starting date of June 3 to the conclusion on July 14.
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The chart displays also weather information like wind, air pressure, wave hight on a detailed worldwide weather chart including a weather forecast for three days.
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The chart shows changes in extreme weather and climate events in North America.
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Here is the latest chart from the British weather office showing the plume's predicted spread.
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AltaVista offers an information button, which includes weather reports, a conversion chart and times for various places.
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Yet refer to the rainfall chart on The Chronicle's weather page, and you'll see that this past season was just at the high end of average.
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It may incorporate GRIB weather overlay on the chart, Tide predictions and other related information services of additional use to mariners.
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The Center for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters has a good chart showing trends in weather-related disasters over the past 100 years.