English language

How to pronounce wane in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms ebb, ebbing
Type of decline, diminution
Type Words
Synonyms decline, go down
Type of decrease, lessen, fall, diminish
Has types wear on, dip, drop
Derivation waning

Interest in the project waned.
Type Words
Type of decrease, lessen, fall, diminish
Derivation waning

Interest in his novels waned.
Type Words
Type of lessen, decrease, diminish, fall
Derivation waning

Examples of wane

Now, it appears builders are becoming more speculative as demand is set to wane.
From the businessweek.com
Already, Asia's willingness to bankroll America's debts may be starting to wane.
From the time.com
Likewise, the number of Democratic governors in red states has been on the wane.
From the fivethirtyeight.blogs.nytimes.com
Thunderstorm activity in the system is beginning to wane and move farther south.
From the heraldtribune.com
Like a storm in history, he fell into wax-wane cycle nothing more than prisoner.
From the economist.com
Despite this, interest began to wane and the FBI investigation ran out of steam.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Before the attack, officials had been convinced that the I.R.A. was on the wane.
From the time.com
As the great herds began to wane, proposals to protect the bison were discussed.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Bradesku testified that his wife's affection for him began to wane two years ago.
From the time.com
More examples
  • Decline: grow smaller; "Interest in the project waned"
  • Ebb: a gradual decline (in size or strength or power or number)
  • Decrease in phase; "the moon is waning"
  • A gradual diminution in power, value, intensity etc; The lunar phase during which diminishes the sunlight-illuminated area of the moon's surface visible from Earth; The end of a period; A rounded corner caused by lack of wood, often showing bark; To progressively lose its splendor, value, ...
  • Bark, or lack of wood from any cause, on edge or corner of a piece of wood.
  • An edge of a sawn board where the bark or surface of the trunk remains.
  • Decrease of the illuminated portion of a object as observed from Earth. The waning moon refers to that portion of the lunar revolution between full and new. Opposite of wax.
  • Verb: Grow weaker; decrease. Also see wax.
  • To decrease. "On the wane:" in the process of decreasing or disappearing.