Thornburg says vitamin deficiency has to do with the quality of the diet, not the quantity.
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At that time it was known that poor diet caused scurvy but not specifically that a vitamin C deficiency was the culprit.
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Vitamin D deficiency is common among patients with COPD, and is often associated with lack of exposure to sunlight and diet.
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Additional studies offer conflicting data about a vitamin D deficiency or a too-early introduction of cow's milk or gluten into a baby's diet.
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Diet is traditionally vegan for many South Indian Hindus, but rickets is less of a problem there as the strong sunlight counteracts the vitamin deficiency.
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Vitamin A deficiency is another possible cause for this type of eyelid lesions, but after reading Scott's description of Trog's diet, I consider that diagnosis to be less likely.
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Vitamin D deficiency, which is primarily caused by inadequate exposure to sunlight and very poor diet, can result in abnormalities in calcium, phosphorus and bone metabolism.
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It is estimated that one billion people worldwide do not have sufficient vitamin D. This deficiency is thought to be largely due to insufficient exposure to the sun and in some cases to poor diet.