It will have leaf litter stuck to it from time to time, but it will never be slimy or viscid.
From the
Other methods included dousing saffron fibers with viscid substances like honey or vegetable oil.
From the
Soggy pastry tasting of cardboard and a viscid sickly-sweet filling has me reaching for the Rennies.
From the
There it codominates with creosotebush and viscid acacia.
From the
Viscid silk is stretchy, wet and sticky, and it is the silk that winds out in increasing spirals from the web center.
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The magma at Shinmoedake is relatively viscid, according to the experts, as it contains a large amount of silica, a main ingredient of volcanic ash.
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The magma also is viscid at Fugendake peak in the Unzen mountain range in Nagasaki Prefecture, where large pyroclastic flows were observed 20 years ago.
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The spider webs found in gardens and garages are made from multiple silk types, but viscid silk and dragline silk are most critical to the integrity of the web.
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I keep Tide pens in my briefcase to remove deli-sandwich stains from my shirts and routinely use napkins to wipe off the viscid remains of ketchup on my keyboard.
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More examples
Gluey: having the sticky properties of an adhesive
(viscidly) stickily: in a sticky viscid manner; "he felt the blood move stickily from his split scalp and trickle down his forehead"
(viscidness) cohesiveness: the property of being cohesive and sticky
Viscous; having a high viscosity; Sticky, slimy, or glutinous; Covered with a viscid layer
(viscidity) An adhesive quality; A glutinous consistency
Thick, sticky, adhesive liquid
Sticky on the surface; coated with a thick, syrup-like secretion
Sticky or greasy, such as the surface of a leaf or stem.