The expression is undoubtedly a term of wider import than vis major.
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The understanding of force majeure in French law is similar to that of international law and vis major as defined above.
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Judges have agreed that strikes, breakdown of machinery, which though normally not included in vis major, are included in force majeure.
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Another approach would be to increase the minimum wage by 30% offset with a decline in the dollar vis a vis its major trading partners in manufactured goods.
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Dollar StrengthHowever, over the last three months the dollar has made steady gains vis-a-vis a basket of major currencies.
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However, i have for a while considered that the rigidity of donor funding is a major problem vis a vis being any good at delivering results.
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My reference to the last 22-years data in respect to major nations USA and UK vis-a-vis India speaks for itself.
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As the pankration competitions were held outside and in the afternoon, appropriately positioning one's face vis-a-vis the low sun was a major tactical objective.