The more options the better vas folks then need a prom to help them sort it out.
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There has been lot of criticism about Airtel for its unauthorised VAS activation.
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Each opens in a vas deferens which bears three diverticula or vesiculae seminales.
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The OS manages the mapping between the VAS and the files that hold its values.
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And last year my colleague wrote about vas a pronoun for transgender people.
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Game developers and VAS content providers can also generate similar revenue streams.
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The Fascia is a fibrous protective sheath that surrounds the vas deferens.
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The buildup of sperm increases pressure in the vas deferens and epididymis.
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Sprint is the first operator globally to announce a browser-VAS ecosystem.
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More examples
Vessel: a tube in which a body fluid circulates
Vas was an "alternative world" musical group consisting of Persian vocalist Azam Ali and American percussionist Greg Ellis. Vas is frequently compared to the Australian band Dead Can Dance. ...
Vas was the name of a historic administrative county (comitatus) of the Kingdom of Hungary. Its territory is presently in western Hungary, eastern Austria and eastern Slovenia (Prekmurje). The capital of the county was Szombathely.
A vessel or duct transporting any bodily fluid, such as blood, lymph, chyle, or semen
Related to a duct, usually the vas deferens
Visual analog scale. A tool used to help a person rate the intensity of certain sensations and feelings, such as pain. The visual analog scale for pain is a straight line with one end meaning no pain and the other end meaning the worst pain imaginable. ...
The equivalent volume of compliance, which specifies a volume of air having the same compliance as the suspension system of a driver.
The multichannel infrared sounding instrument aboard GOES satellites prior to GOES-8.
Value Added Service A service provided by a network that exceeds merely transporting user-originated information, such as message storage for later delivery, code conversion, electronic mail, etc.