English language

How to pronounce variorum in English?

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Synonyms variorum edition
Type of edition

Examples of variorum

This, which is known as the first variorum edition, was reprinted in 1813.
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Malone made a transcript of the parts he viewed as relevant to his variorum edition of Shakespeare.
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Forming the basis of later Dickinson scholarship, Johnson's variorum brought all of Dickinson's known poems together for the first time.
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R. W. Franklin's 1998 variorum edition of the poems provided alternate wordings to those chosen by Johnson, in a more limited editorial intervention.
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More examples
  • An edition containing various versions of a text or notes by various scholars or editors
  • A variorum is a work that collates all known variants of a text. It is a work of textual criticism, whereby all variations and emendations are set side by side so that a reader can track how textual decisions have been made in the preparation of a text for publication. ...
  • A variorum edition is any published version of an author's work that contains notes and comments by a number of scholars and critics. The term is a shortened version of the Latin phrase cum notis variorum ("with the notes of various people"). ...