If people urbanise and globalise, there will be no shortage of food on world markets.
From the economist.com
For at least a century, governments have tried to urbanise their nations.
From the guardian.co.uk
Inexorably, though, the urge to urbanise is gaining the upper hand.
From the economist.com
It took France 50 years to urbanise to its current level.
From the economist.com
The drive of a few billion people to industrialise and urbanise to obtain greater prosperity isn't going away.
From the smh.com.au
Over the next two decades appetite for metals is likely to double as China and India urbanise and modernise.
From the economist.com
This is driven largely by the strong growth in developing countries like China, whose population continues to urbanise.
From the hemscott.com
All these empty cities and underused infrastructures will be utilised as the rural population continues to urbanise.
From the economist.com
Well if we are to have any chance of surviving at these numbers then we are going to have to urbanise on a grand scale.
From the guardian.co.uk
More examples
Urbanize: impart urban habits, ways of life, or responsibilities upon; "Birds are being urbanized by people in outdoor cafes feeding them"
Urbanize: make more industrial or city-like; "The area was urbanized after many people moved in"
(urbanised) urbanized: made urban in nature; taking on urban characteristics; "the urbanized Eastern states"
(urbanisation) urbanization: the condition of being urbanized
(Urbanisation) the process by which a country's population changes from primarily rural to urban. Migration of people from the countryside to cities in search of better jobs and living conditions, high birth rates and migration all contribute to growing cities..
(Urbanisation) The economic and demographic processes involved in the growth of towns and cities
(Urbanisation) The process of becoming urbanised. This term can be used in reference to settlements and/or people as it relates to the increase in population, a change in economic direction, the expansion of built-up areas and change in population characteristics, among other factors.