The lightest is the up quark, which is 470 times lighter than a proton.
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I'm looking at you in particular, up quark, down quark, and the electron.
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D0-meson's antiversion, D0-bar in the jargon, is composed of a charm antiquark and an up quark.
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The eta meson is a meson made of a mix of up quark, down quark, strange quark, quarks, and anti-quarks.
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Every single atom in the Universe has nothing in it other than some combination of up quark, down quark and electron.
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This is still not satisfactory though, as we have no explanation for why the up-quark has more mass than the down-quark.
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Its protons contains one down quark and two up quarks, while neutrons contain two down quarks and one up quark.
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At the end of this process the bottom quark and bottom antiquark, electron, neutrino, up quark, and down antiquark all move away from each other.
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Ali and colleagues found that if a tetraquark made of one bottom quark, one up quark, and each of their anti-particles was created instead of bottomonium, the faster decay could be explained.