English language

How to pronounce unlaced in English?

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Synonyms unbuttoned

unlaced behavior in the neighborhood pub.
Type Words
Synonyms untied

teenagers slopping around in unlaced sneakers.

Examples of unlaced

Levy's running shoes were unlaced, and her clothes were turned inside out.
From the orlandosentinel.com
I unlaced my boot, tugged it off and dropped it to the carpeted floor.
From the blogs.psychcentral.com
The strait-laced vs. the unlaced, over whom they exert a flimsy and temporary authority.
From the time.com
When Abdelkader unlaced his skate, a gruesome sight greeted him.
From the freep.com
The Swedes got married with their shoes unlaced, which was supposed to improve their chances of childbirth.
From the post-gazette.com
Andy buttons his shirt and steps into his unlaced trainers.
From the guardian.co.uk
The workers were heavyset, rough-hewn men and women in unlaced boots, jeans, flannel shirts and goggles.
From the time.com
Mettlesome, high-strung, bursting into a boy's wounded tears or unlaced laughter, Roberts'Mark is a worthy foil.
From the time.com
He haunted the National Gallery at night, hawk-like and surprisingly slight, with his heavy, unlaced boots and knotted scarves.
From the guardian.co.uk
More examples
  • Untie: undo the ties of; "They untied the prisoner"
  • (unlaced) with laces not tied; "teenagers slopping around in unlaced sneakers"
  • (unlaced) unbuttoned: not under constraint in action or expression; "this unbuttoned and disrespectful age"- Curtis Bok; "unlaced behavior in the neighborhood pub"