English language

How to pronounce unflagging in English?

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Synonyms unfailing

unflagging courtesy.
Type Words
Synonyms indefatigable, tireless, unwearying

unflagging pursuit of excellence.

Examples of unflagging

I was born with this unflagging desire to solve problems for potential customers.
From the forbes.com
Carl faced his death with unflagging courage and never sought refuge in illusions.
From the en.wikipedia.org
He recounts, too, his many escapades in hospital with unflagging enthusiasm.
From the independent.co.uk
In the court's ruling, the U.K. justices were unflagging in their criticism.
From the newsfeed.time.com
Shaun Dingwell's unflagging performance is, nevertheless, a tour de force.
From the morningstaronline.co.uk
The saga is studded with contradictions that hold our unflagging attention.
From the boston.com
Auckland was awash with fans, car flags and almost unflagging good humour.
From the nzherald.co.nz
Wherever she went, the President's daughter displayed unflagging curiosity.
From the time.com
Like fierce drill sergeants, Nomura bosses demand hard work and unflagging discipline.
From the time.com
More examples
  • Indefatigable: showing sustained enthusiastic action with unflagging vitality; "an indefatigable advocate of equal rights"; "a tireless worker"; "unflagging pursuit of excellence"
  • Unfailing: unceasing; "unfailing loyalty"; "unfailing good spirits"; "unflagging courtesy"
  • Never tiring or lacking energy; without rest; without slowing
  • (unflaggingly) In an unflagging manner
  • Diminishing, drooping, sagging