Plans are vulnerable to getting foiled by the smallest typo or miscommunication.
From the
No agendas, just the facts mixed in with a few opinions and the occasional typo.
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Perhaps the Argus could be fined for every typo or factual inaccuracy they make?
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Typo after typo and bad grammar abounds on Reuters, MSNBC, and even this article.
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Nerds and conspiracy theorists are still debating whether or not it was a typo.
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I dont know how your blog came up, must have been a typo, Your blog looks good.
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This might just be a typo on your part eh but I am again sorry to point this out.
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Even if you haven't, you can still appreciate the innocence of a typo gone bad.
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In quotes, the material being quoted may contain a typo or have archaic spelling.
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More examples
Misprint: a mistake in printed matter resulting from mechanical failures of some kind
A typographical error (often shortened to typo) is a mistake made in, originally, the manual type-setting (typography) of printed material, or more recently, the typing process. ...
Typo is a free, open source blogging engine written in the Ruby programming language, using the Ruby on Rails web application framework released under the MIT License. Typo can use any of the various SQL databases supported by the Ruby on Rails framework.
A compositor; A spelling or typographical error; To make a typographical error
(TYPOS) One of Publius and Genesis ways to code messages. (Missing or additional letters in words or phrases, out-of-place letters or words, (see also HIDDEN MESSAGES)
(Typos) Misspelled words added to your manuscript by gremlins between the time you mail your manuscript and when the editor receives it.
Def sortedDictValues2(adict): keys = adict.keys() keys.sort() return [adict[key] for key in keys]
A typographical error in a published work, such as a misspelling or missing letter.
Typographic error in spelling, grammar or punctuation.