It had 44,000 spindles and 5000 twiner spindles, doing coarse counts from American.
From the
Like the tendril-climbers, you have to have a support of some kind to grow a twiner horizontally.
From the
Clematis are probably the most-often planted twiner.
From the
More examples
Someone who intertwines (e.g. threads) or forms something by twisting or interlacing
A vine (Latin vu012Bnea "grapevine", "vineyard", from vu012Bnum "wine") in the narrowest sense is the grapevine (Vitis), but more generally it can refer to any plant with a growth habit of trailing or scandent (that is, climbing) stems or runners. The word also can refer to such stems or runners themselves, for instance when used in wicker work.
Any plant which twines about a support
A sort of double limerick devised by Walter de la Mare and displayed in his Stuff and Nonsense (1927). ...
A climbing plant with no tendrils or suckers, in which the stem winds around other plants or objects for support.