In the American mind, architectural photographer Julius Shulman's endlessly reproduced twilight image helped shape a vision of California as a healthful paradise of informal living.
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Among all the vertebrates tested thus far, birds are the first to lose their color vision in the twilight, even though they are the vertebrates that probably see colors best of all in the daylight.
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Within about seven months in 2001, her vision deteriorated from blur to haze to twilight until one day she was engulfed in total darkness.
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Anglers trying to take advantage of these peaks in twilight prey activity should keep in mind that under low light levels, vision is impaired.
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The searing pace of his younger days may have eased off a touch but his vision and precision have more than made up for that in his twilight years.
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The Nazi vision of a city would replace the visions of the past, they would replace the twilight, or the past, with clarity, cleanliness, and pure, distinct lines.
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The color vision of birds stops working considerably earlier in the course of the day than was previously believed, in fact, in the twilight.
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Visual navigation at twilight and sometimes also during the daytime did not fit the older view that fruit bats only possess rods, the photoreceptors for night vision.