The resulting tubal scarring leads to infertility, tubal pregnancy and chronic pelvic pain.
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Tubal pregnancy and other medical concerns may go unnoticed.
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There is currently no test for tubal pregnancy.
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Within a few years, patients were being offered a laparoscopic surgical alternative for more complex medical conditions such as the removal of ovarian cysts, tubal pregnancy and fibroid tumors.
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Tubal ectopic pregnancy is the most common cause of maternal death in the first trimester of pregnancy.
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This pregnancy couldn't be tubal like my primary-care doctor thought.
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If you plan to have a tubal ligationsurgery to prevent future pregnancy, the catheter will be left in.
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Although pregnancy is rare after tubal ligation, if it does occur, it's more likely to be ectopic.
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The doctors told Emily that reversing her tubal ligation would probably not result in pregnancy.