Other TIA signs are numbness on one side, blurred vision, double vision, trouble expressing oneself and dizziness.
From the stltoday.com
In some people early changes can also include mild depression or apathy, and trouble with words, repeating oneself and confusion.
From the nytimes.com
Depending on the laws in your community regarding exposing oneself and public urination, he could get himself in trouble.
From the delawareonline.com
These days, responsibility isn't only about pushing away from the table, but it means educating oneself, reading food labels, and going to a little extra trouble.
From the sacbee.com
In addition to difficulty expressing oneself, sufferers of expressive aphasia are also noted to commonly have trouble with comprehension in certain linguistic areas.
From the en.wikipedia.org
That impairment can run the spectrum, from having trouble finding the right words to performing multi-step tasks, such as preparing a meal or caring for oneself.