The first time you go out, there is a certain trepidation but you relax into it.
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An underlying trepidation is invested in almost every business decision we make.
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At 44, there's a little trepidation about jumping around on stage but I love it.
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There was one final moment of trepidation for the Capitals and their supporters.
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The theory of trepidation is presented by Theon as an alternative to precession.
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Some theatergoers approach the long-winded Shaw with more than mild trepidation.
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There was little doubt, and a little trepidation, that HOPE would be successful.
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Just how frank the trio might be is causing some trepidation within Labor ranks.
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He's watching the congressional debate over health-care bills with trepidation.
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More examples
A feeling of alarm or dread
Trepidation as used in the field of astronomy refers to a medieval theory that there is oscillation in the precession of the equinoxes. The theory was popular from the 9th to the 16th centuries.
A fearful state; a state of hesitation or concern
(trepidatory) That trepidates, or that causes trepidations; An earthquake with an vertical, up-and-down motion, as opposed to a horizontal, side-to-side motion
Hector entered the principal s office filled with trepidation.
(n) - state of alarm; shaking from fear
Fear or uneasiness about the future or a future event