English language

How to pronounce tree in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms shoetree
Type of stretch, elongate
Type Words
Synonyms sir herbert beerbohm tree
Type Words
Synonyms tree diagram
Type of plane figure, two-dimensional figure
Has types cladogram, stemma

genealogical tree.
Type Words
Synonyms corner
Type of point, manoeuvre, channelise, channelize, direct, guide, head, maneuver, manoeuver, steer
Type Words
Type of ligneous plant, woody plant
Has types african walnut, albizia, albizzia, alder, alder tree, alstonia scholaris, amboyna, american olive, andaman marble, andelmin, angelim, angiospermous tree, anise tree, arbor, arere, arishth, aroeira blanca, ash, ash tree, australian nettle, australian nettle tree, avicennia officinalis, azadirachta indica, azedarach, azederach, balata, balata tree, baphia nitida, barbados pride, basswood, bay-rum tree, bayberry, bean tree, beech, beech tree, beefwood, birch, birch tree, bitterwood tree, black mangrove, blackwood, blackwood tree, bloodwood tree, blue fig, bombax ceiba, bombax malabarica, bonduc, bonduc tree, bonsai, bottle-tree, bottle tree, brachystegia speciformis, brazilian ironwood, brazilian pepper tree, brazilwood, break-axe, breakax, breakaxe, brisbane quandong, brya ebenus, bully tree, burma padauk, burmese rosewood, butea frondosa, butea monosperma, button mangrove, button tree, cabbage tree, caesalpinia bonduc, caesalpinia bonducella, caesalpinia coriaria, caesalpinia echinata, caesalpinia ferrea, calaba, calabash, calabash tree, calabur tree, calabura, calocarpum zapota, calophyllum calaba, calophyllum candidissimum, calophyllum longifolium, calycophyllum candidissimum, camachile, camwood, caracolito, carib wood, caryocar nuciferum, cassia, castanea chrysophylla, castanopsis chrysophylla, casuarina, ceratopetalum gummiferum, cercidium floridum, ceylon gooseberry, chaulmoogra, chaulmoogra tree, chaulmugra, chestnut, chestnut tree, chicot, china tree, chinaberry, chinaberry tree, chinchona, chinese parasol, chinese parasol tree, chinese scholar tree, chinese scholartree, chloroxylon swietenia, christmas bush, christmas tree, chrysolepis chrysophylla, cinchona, clusia, clusia flava, cockspur, cocobolo, coffee, coffee tree, conacaste, conessi, conocarpus erectus, coral-wood, coral bean, coral tree, coralwood, cordia gerascanthus, cordyline australis, cork tree, crescentia cujete, dagame, dak, dalbergia cearensis, dalbergia retusa, dalbergia sissoo, devil tree, devilwood, dhak, dhava, dhawa, diospyros ebenum, diospyros kurzii, dipterocarp, dita, dita bark, divi-divi, dovyalis hebecarpa, drimys winteri, ebony, ebony tree, elaeocarpus grandis, elephant's ear, elm, elm tree, enterolobium cyclocarpa, erythrina, eucarya acuminata, evergreen beech, fever tree, fig tree, firewheel tree, firmiana simplex, fish fuddle, flowering tree, ruptiliocarpon caracolito, acacia, acrocarpus fraxinifolius, adenanthera pavonina, aegiceras majus, african sandalwood, taraktagenos kurzii, taraktogenos kurzii, tarrietia argyrodendron, teak, tectona grandis, timber tree, tipu, tipu tree, tolu balsam tree, tolu tree, tree of knowledge, treelet, trifoliata, trifoliate orange, triplochiton scleroxcylon, true sandalwood, tulipwood tree, turreae, vangueria infausta, vangueria madagascariensis, vegetable hummingbird, virgilia capensis, virgilia divaricata, virgilia oroboides, wheel tree, white mangrove, white popinac, wild cinnamon, wild fig, wild medlar, wild medlar tree, wild orange, wild tamarind, willow, willow tree, winter's bark, winter's bark tree, xylopia aethiopica, yellow jacaranda, yellowwood, yellowwood tree, zebrawood, zebrawood tree, frijolillo, frijolito, fringe tree, fusanus acuminatus, giant chinkapin, gliricidia, golden chinkapin, granadilla tree, granadillo, grass tree, guama, guinea pepper, gum, gum tree, gutta-percha tree, gymnocladus dioica, gymnospermous tree, hackberry, hazel, hazel tree, hoheria populnea, holarrhena antidysenterica, holarrhena pubescens, hop hornbeam, hornbeam, houhere, huamachil, hydnocarpus kurzii, hydnocarpus laurifolia, hydnocarpus wightiana, ice-cream bean, idesia, idesia polycarpa, incense tree, indian beech, inga, inga edulis, inga laurina, ironwood, ironwood tree, ivory tree, jamaica bayberry, jamaica dogwood, jamaican cherry, japanese pagoda tree, japanese varnish tree, kentucky coffee tree, ketembilla, ketembilla tree, keurboom, kiaat, kingwood, kingwood tree, kino, kirkia wilmsii, kitambilla, kitembilla, kowhai, kurchee, kurchi, lacebark, laguncularia racemosa, lancewood, lancewood tree, langsat, langset, lanseh tree, lansium domesticum, laurelwood, lead tree, lemon-wood, lemon-wood tree, lemonwood, lemonwood tree, lepidobotrys, leucadendron argenteum, leucaena glauca, leucaena leucocephala, lime, lime tree, linden, linden tree, lithocarpus densiflorus, locust, locust tree, lovoa klaineana, lysiloma bahamensis, lysiloma latisiliqua, mahogany, mahogany tree, mammee, manila tamarind, manilkara bidentata, maple-leaved bayur, marble-wood, marblewood, margosa, maria, marmalade tree, mayeng, medlar, melia azadirachta, melia azedarach, melia azederach, meryta sinclairii, mescal bean, mesua ferrea, millettia, molle, montezuma, msasa, muntingia calabura, myroxylon balsamum, myroxylon balsamum pereirae, myroxylon pereirae, myroxylon toluiferum, nakedwood, nauclea diderrichii, necklace tree, neem, neem tree, negro pepper, nettle tree, nim tree, nitta tree, oak, oak chestnut, oak tree, obeche, obechi, opepe, orites excelsa, osmanthus americanus, oxandra lanceolata, padauk, padouk, palaquium gutta, palas, palm, palm tree, palo verde, pandanus, parkinsonia florida, peach-wood, peachwood, peacock flower fence, pepper tree, pernambuco wood, persian lilac, peruvian balsam, peruvian mastic tree, phellodendron amurense, phoenix tree, pimenta acris, piscidia erythrina, piscidia piscipula, pisonia aculeata, pithecellobium dulce, plagianthus betulinus, plagianthus regius, plane tree, platan, pollard, pomaderris apetala, poncirus trifoliata, pongamia glabra, poon, pouteria zapota, prickly ash, pride-of-india, pride of bolivia, princewood, pseudobombax ellipticum, psychotria capensis, pterocarpus angolensis, pterocarpus indicus, pterocarpus macrocarpus, pterocarpus marsupium, pterocarpus santalinus, pterospermum acerifolium, puka, quira, quandang, quandong, quandong tree, red sandalwood, red sanders, red sanderswood, red saunders, red silk-cotton tree, ribbon tree, ribbonwood, rose chestnut, rosewood, rosewood tree, aalii, sabinea carinalis, samba, sandalwood tree, santa maria tree, santalum album, sapling, sapote, sarcocephalus diderrichii, satinwood, satinwood tree, scarlet wisteria tree, schinus chichita, schinus molle, schinus terebinthifolius, screw pine, scrub beefwood, sesbania grandiflora, shade tree, shaving-brush tree, shingle tree, silk wood, silkwood, silver ash, silver quandong tree, silver tree, simal, sisham, sissoo, sissu, sloanea jamaicensis, snag, soapberry, soapberry tree, sophora japonica, sophora secundiflora, sophora sinensis, sophora tetraptera, souari, souari nut, souari tree, southern beech, spanish elm, spanish tamarind, stenocarpus salignus, stenocarpus sinuatus, sycamore, tanbark oak
Derivation treelet
Type Words
Type of track, give chase, trail, tail, chase, chase after, dog, tag, go after

the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it.
her dog likes to tree squirrels.
Type Words
Type of plant, set

this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer.

Examples of tree

As December comes to an end, check for falling needles from your Christmas tree.
From the thenewstribune.com
Before loading up your tree, check it for any decorations you might have missed.
From the thenewstribune.com
The court is designed to give the impression of a brown-and-tan fir tree forest.
From the omaha.com
Some of Sacramento's best-loved trees will help teach the basics of tree health.
From the sacbee.com
Before you start hanging baubles, think about what you want your tree to convey.
From the kansas.com
Fisher's family bought a tree in Lucas'memory and put up a memorial in the town.
From the kansas.com
The width of these tree rings was measured using dendrochronological techniques.
From the sciencedaily.com
It's a tree that's by itself on a point of rocks, with no other trees around it.
From the kansas.com
He encouraged the students to organize tree-planting parties in their community.
From the cnn.com
More examples
  • A tall perennial woody plant having a main trunk and branches forming a distinct elevated crown; includes both gymnosperms and angiosperms
  • Corner: force a person or an animal into a position from which he cannot escape
  • A figure that branches from a single root; "genealogical tree"
  • Plant with trees; "this lot should be treed so that the house will be shaded in summer"
  • English actor and theatrical producer noted for his lavish productions of Shakespeare (1853-1917)
  • Chase an animal up a tree; "the hunters treed the bear with dogs and killed it"; "her dog likes to tree squirrels"
  • A tree is a perennial woody plant. It is most often defined as a woody plant that has many secondary branches supported clear of the ground on a single main stem or trunk with clear apical dominance.Huxley, A., ed. (1992). New RHS Dictionary of Gardening. Macmillan ISBN 0-333-47494-5. ...
  • Tree is a 2001 album by Gaelic Storm.
  • A Tree structure is a way of representing the hierarchical nature of a structure in a graphical form. In computer science, a tree is a widely-used data structure that emulates a hierarchical tree structure with a set of linked nodes.