The researchers based their biochemical neural network on a simple model of a neuron, called a linear threshold function.
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Each axon that dies gets you closer to a threshold where you lose function.
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The authors, Dr Kristien Boelaert and colleagues at the University of Birmingham, now call for clinicians to adopt a lower threshold for performing thyroid function tests in older adults.
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The threshold pressure required to initiate cavitation is a strong function of the pulse width and the power input.
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With some exceptions, most mutants have been associated with a gain-of-function, for example, by lowering the threshold for activating ligands.
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Since fewer such threshold gates are required to implement any arbitrary function compared to Boolean gates, incorporating MTCMOS into each gate requires less area overhead.
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The same geometric configuration that is ideally suited to improve traffic flow, roundabouts for example, fails to perform its function adequately, beyond a certain threshold of traffic volume.
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It would be very impractical to create a function for every possible comparison function and may be too inconvenient to keep the threshold around for further use.
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According to objective collapse theories, wave function collapse occurs when a superposed system reaches a certain objective threshold of size, complexity etc.