English language

How to pronounce thatched roof in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms thatch
Type of roof

Examples of thatched roof

thatched roof
We walk from the street into a dining room and lounge with a high thatched roof.
From the ocregister.com
Cottages with a thatched roof paint a pretty picture of the English countryside.
From the thisisbristol.co.uk
The cabin she was born in is painted red and crowned with a thatched-grass roof.
From the edition.cnn.com
You may be standing under a thatched roof, but those are canvas walls around you.
From the travel.nytimes.com
Beneath the thatched roof, a gaggle of children intently watches the proceedings.
From the time.com
One shows the girl in front of a house with a thatched roof and a white fence.
From the kansas.com
It is built in the rustic style, including a hipped and gabled, thatched roof.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Each chalet is spacious, with a thatched roof and a view of the Indian ocean.
From the guardian.co.uk
A small, thatched-roof bar that gazes out upon a wide crescent of white sand.
From the latimes.com