English language

How to pronounce taste tester in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms sampler, taste-tester, taster
Type of critic
Has types wine taster

Examples of taste tester

taste tester
However this did rule the peanut sauce out for my 8-year-old junior taste tester.
From the smh.com.au
He promptly called the fellow and offered him a job as taste tester for airline cuisine.
From the abcnews.go.com
It could form part of a robotic taste-tester designed to improve food quality and safety.
From the newscientist.com
It was a great taste tester of what it's going to be like back here at the end of the month.
From the middevonstar.co.uk
Check out this year's interactive taste tester on Guardian Food here.
From the guardian.co.uk
My mom would take me into the kitchen and put me on the counter, and I'd be her taste tester.
From the huffingtonpost.com
As usual, my little taste tester was on hand every step of the way.
From the ocregister.com
He's also head taste-tester and inventor of new things.
From the news-journalonline.com
Above, a young taste-tester holds a homemade marshmallow.
From the npr.org