Two of the quilts showed family photos on cloth relief, woven into the tapestry.
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For the tapestry and upholstery, it's always good to stick to the autumn shades.
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Yes it's Disney and a fairy tale but they essentially made it a moving tapestry.
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The men and creatures in the tapestry have been touched by the light of the sun.
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Two chairs with tapestry print cushions pull up to an octagonal glass-top table.
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But it is the driving experience that should remain paramount, not the tapestry.
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Images of Claude Debussy, impressionistic and moody, created a musical tapestry.
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Cianfrance deftly moves back and forth in time, weaving a tapestry of heartbreak.
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Tapestry-like draperies can be drawn for privacy, creating separate dining areas.
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More examples
Something that resembles a tapestry in its complex pictorial designs; "the tapestry of European history"
A heavy textile with a woven design; used for curtains and upholstery
A wall hanging of heavy handwoven fabric with pictorial designs
(tapestried) hung or decorated with tapestry
Tapestry is a form of textile art, woven on a vertical loom. It is composed of two sets of interlaced threads, those running parallel to the length (called the warp) and those parallel to the width (called the weft); the warp threads are set up under tension on a loom, and the weft thread is ...
Tapestry is a pop album by singer-songwriter Carole King, released in 1971. It features minimal production by Lou Adler. ...
Tapestry is a distributed hash table which provides a decentralized object location, routing, and multicasting infrastructure for distributed applications. It is composed of a peer-to-peer overlay network offering efficient, scalable, self-repairing, location-aware routing to nearby resources.
Tapestry is the name of Don McLean's 1970 debut album. The album was originally released by Mediarts Records but was re-launched in 1971 by United Artists after United Artists' purchase of Mediarts.
Tapestry is an object-oriented Java web application framework to implement applications in accordance with the model-view-controller design pattern. Tapestry was created by Howard Lewis Ship independently, and was adopted by the Apache Software Foundation. ...