The deal seems more a tagalong publicity for 3G than a bona fide breakthrough.
From the
Walter was a tagalong kid, like a little puppy, he told the detectives.
From the
Tagalong, a young ram, is their dad.
From the
We were doing the first 8km section starting at the Princes Gate Archway, the perfect first tagalong adventure for families.
From the
Then Wade, who knows every inch of the forest, put Theo on the tagalong on the back of his bike and boy, did we blow out some cobwebs.
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The home-invasion crew of three L.A. gang members and a tagalong Eastern European that barges in on the family has been hitting the houses of criminals.
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Parents ride their kids around in seats on the back of the bike, young children pedal behind on tagalong bikes, and whole families bike to the grocery store together.
From the
Stevie is the leashed tagalong in their neighborhood posse, their floorboard companion on a ride to the store, and the chore they sometimes remember without even being asked.
From the
Distant from their parents, they find happiness in each other, and as the narrator grows from tagalong sister to adolescent, Petterson gives their relationship a delicate physical dimension.
From the
More examples
Someone who persistently (and annoyingly) follows along
Trailer bike (also known as a trailer cycle or a third wheel, and trademarked names Trailerbike, Trail-a-bike, Half wheeler, Tagalong... ...
(Tagalongs) Girl Scout cookies are any of several varieties of cookies sold by Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) as a fundraiser for their local Scout units. Members of the GSUSA have been selling cookies since 1917 to raise funds. Top-selling girls can earn prizes for their efforts. ...
If a controlling majority shareholder(s) (51% of the shares) sell their stake, then the remaining shareholder has the right to join the transaction and sell his or her minority stake in the company to the same valuation.
A non-registered individual attending a Girl Scout activity. (Also a Girl Scout cookie)