He performs several miracles as signs, most of them not found in the synoptics.
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Every other authentic or probably authentic saying has parallels in the synoptics.
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The synoptics describe much more of Jesus'life, miracles, parables, and exorcisms.
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In the synoptics, Peter, James and John witness Jesus'transfiguration.
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Tatian omitted duplicated text, especially among the synoptics.
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Robinson offers three arguments for preferring the chronology of John's Gospel to that of the synoptics.
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In the synoptics this occurs soon before Jesus is crucified.
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He does not date the synoptics until the mid to late 70s CE, starting with the Gospel of Mark and ending with Luke in the 90s.
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At this point the angels abruptly disappear from the narrative, and John and the synoptics begin to share the order of events again.
From the en.wikipedia.org
More examples
Synoptic Gospels: the first three Gospels which describe events in Christ's life from a similar point of view
(synoptic) presenting a summary or general view of a whole; "a synoptic presentation of a physical theory"
SynOptics Communications (originally named Astra Communications) was a Santa Clara, California-based early Ethernet vendor.
(synoptic) Of, or relating to a synopsis; In general, pertaining to or affording an overall view. In meteorology, this term has become somewhat specialized in referring to the use of meteorological data obtained simultaneously over a wide area for presenting a comprehensive and nearly ...
(Synoptic) Pertaining to an overall view.
(Synoptic) A Greek word which means "to look at together". The synoptic gospels are Matthew, Mark and Luke.
(Synoptic) Describes measurements made simultaneously at many different locations.*
(Synoptic) In meteorology, the use of meteorological data to give a snapshot of the weather at different locations at the same time. Also, the study of weather on short (hour to daily) timescales.
(Synoptic) Refers to the overall condition of the atmosphere at a given time.