The measure, expected to go into effect by July 1, would cut sulfur-oxide air pollution in the L.A. basin by 11%.
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Once the oxygen is gone, the oceans become the realm of bacteria that obtain their oxygen from sulfur oxide compounds.
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Because there's no combustion involved, there's no release of gases like nitrogen, sulfur oxide and carbon monoxide.
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Holland America has recently fitted an Alaska-bound ship with a high-tech system that cuts sulfur oxide emissions.
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Reducing fuel sulfur content is an essential component of any strategy aimed at reducing sulfur oxide emissions from marine vessels, researchers say.
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These studies indicate that cryptomelane can be used to protect the nitrogen oxides traps from the sulfur oxide that degrades them under these conditions.
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According to the Guardian, the shipping industry accounts for 18% to 30% of the world's nitrogen-oxide pollution and 9% of sulfur oxide.
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The new standards are aimed at reducing soot, sulfur and nitrogen oxide emissions.
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The board estimated that its rules would reduce sulfur oxide emissions by 90 percent and prevent nearly 100,000 cases of asthma and 3,500 premature deaths by 2015.