The Thuparama is regarded as the first ever historical stupa built in Sri Lanka.
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At top left is the golden Buddhist stupa, which was originally built on dry land.
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There is a stupa and monastery in Chabahi that are said to date back to her time.
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The Chetiyagara is a structure constructed as a protection chamber for the stupa.
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Ghantasala, 21 km from Machilipatnam, has the remains of an old Buddhist stupa.
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Kantaka Cetiya is a circular stupa having a base circumference of about 425 feet.
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The main stupa itself is empty, symbolizing complete perfection of enlightenment.
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The city's four-tiered stupa is 36 m high and one of the largest in the world.
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The most elaborate stupa is the 8th century Borobudur monument in Java, Indonesia.
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A dome-shaped shrine erected by Buddhists
A stupa (Sanskrit: m.,u0938u094Du0924u0942u092A "heap") is a mound-like or hemispherical structure containing relics (u015Baru012Bra - typically the remains of Buddhist monks or nuns), and used as a place of meditation. Also known in Thailand as a chedi.
A dome-shaped Buddhist monument, used to house relics of the Lord Buddha
(stupae) Koelz, 1939 - Peninsular India
(Stupas) Originally, burial mounds, now used as relic chambers or memorials, especially of the Buddha.
(stupas) Originally a mound marking the spot where the Buddha's ashes were buried. Rock pillars carved with the words of the Buddha are also sometimes called stupas.
(stupas) Stone shrines built to house pieces of bone or hair and personal possessions said to be relics of the Buddha; preserved Buddhist architectural forms. (p. 180)
The earliest form of Buddhist architecture, probably derived from Indian funeral mounds.
A religious structure which serves as a receptacle for relics or just a site of worship and pilgrimage, representing the Buddha.