English language

How to pronounce stumbler in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms tripper
Type of footer, pedestrian, walker
Derivation stumble
Type Words
Synonyms blunderer, botcher, bumbler, bungler, butcher, fuckup, fumbler, sad sack
Type of incompetent, incompetent person
Derivation stumble

Examples of stumbler

Stumbler is too poorly written to pose a real threat, according to researchers who have analysed it.
From the newscientist.com
Release 3.1 now available provides good functionality including wi-fi stumbler, aircrack-ng, web server and a good range of browser alternatives.
From the en.wikipedia.org
He had a wonderful sense of humor, and even took it in stride when Chevy Chase had to make the entire world think that this terrific, beautifully coordinated athlete was actually a stumbler.
From the washingtonpost.com
More examples
  • A walker or runner who trips and almost falls
  • Bungler: someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence
  • IStumbler is an open source utility for finding wireless networks and devices with AirPort- or Bluetooth-enabled Macintosh computers.
  • (Stumblers) StumbleUpon reported nearly 5.5 million users as of June 2008. (Keep in mind, this is the number of people who have registered, not necessarily the number of active users. ...