It was like hearing every third word and trying to jump-rope into the storyline.
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Still, curiously, I find this last storyline to be the series'least interesting.
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Maybe I'm just not buying the Wade Phillips is all-business this year storyline.
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The nation was gripped by the domestic abuse storyline between Yusef and Zainab.
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Your story is powerful because your sense of self-worth lives in your storyline.
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Instead, an amazing on-stage band play as the song lyrics move the storyline on.
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Initially, the Earth X storyline was purported as being the future of Earth-616.
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World of Colors inserts many clever learning opportunities within its storyline.
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They've managed to interlink this with the overriding storyline relatively well.
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More examples
The plot of a book or play or film
Storyline is the only current affairs show in the country that allows the story to be told by those who lived through it, without the filtering voice of a host. ...
The consistent aspect of your story that holds the entire story together.