Approximately 100 stony coral species and two soft coral species are present.
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This is more than any stony coral genus, including 130 species of staghorn corals, the most populous.
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The microbe, named Vibrio shiloi, was responsible for bleaching the stony coral Oculina patagonica in the Mediterranean Sea.
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Most coral reefs are built from stony corals, which in turn consist of polyps that cluster in groups.
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Unlike most of the other islands of the Marshall Islands, Mejit is a stony island rather than a coral atoll, although it is surrounded by a fringing coral reef enclosing a narrow lagoon.
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The hermatypic, stony corals are often found in coral reefs, large calcium carbonate structures generally found in shallow, tropical water.
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Near it, a dark-lipped rainbow parrotfish nibbles around a graceful orange-red sea fan that is anchored to a stony mound, the calcified skeletons of coral probably thousands of years old.
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The coral and certain algae grab calcium carbonate out of the water and use it to build their stony skeletons.