English language

How to pronounce steal away in English?

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Synonyms slip away, sneak away, sneak off, sneak out
Type of go away, go forth, leave

Examples of steal away

steal away
On this second visit, I harbored no secret desire to steal away to the big city.
From the washingtonpost.com
He used to steal away to a house in France until the air travel became too much.
From the dailyherald.com
It looked like the perfect stage for a breakaway to stay away and steal the win.
From the theepochtimes.com
Even if you can steal away, it's hard to find somebody who can fill in for you.
From the online.wsj.com
However, you will enjoy quiet solitude if you get a chance to steal away somewhere.
From the suntimes.com
Blue Valentine A couple on the verge of collapse steal away to rekindle their union.
From the sfgate.com
For the most part, they're not trying to steal away big chunks of Apple's customers.
From the online.wsj.com
Unmarried women were deemed suspect, as they could steal away a husband at any time.
From the nzherald.co.nz
When plants overtake another to steal away beauty and shape, it is time to clean out.
From the thenewstribune.com