The children have made Lenten promises and are working on learning more about each station of the cross.
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In India, this custom is followed by visiting as a pilgrimage to 14 churches, one per station of the cross.
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The funky club in a forgotten section of town became a station of the cross for ascending bands working outside of music's mainstream.
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The meditations for each station of the cross were composed by an Italian nun, Sister Maria Rita Piccione, and the artwork accompanying them were designed by another nun.
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The meditations for each station of the cross were composed by an Italian nun, Sister Maria Rita Piccione, and the artwork accompanying them was designed by another nun.
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The cross was taken to each station depicting the trial and crucifixion of Jesus.
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In 2005 the bridging segments, which cross over the roof of the station, were lowered.
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The docking port on the space station can be seen to the lower right of the cross hair.
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Both options would cross the North Midland lines north of the other station.