English language

How to pronounce springtail in English?

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Synonyms collembolan
Type of insect

Examples of springtail

This means that to begin with, the Western Cape springtail species must be characterised.
From the sciencedaily.com
A quick scoop of the mat of vegetation with my hand sends a springtail springing out of the way.
From the guardian.co.uk
One day, she says, a pink worm came out of one of her eyeballs and she coughed up a springtail fly.
From the washingtonpost.com
A springtail can be seen resting on its back.
From the sciencedaily.com
She felt bugs crawling under her skin, and one day, she said, she pulled a worm out of her eyeball and coughed up a springtail fly.
From the washingtonpost.com
From these slices 3D digital images of the springtail were made so an accurate analysis of its behaviour could be conducted.
From the sciencedaily.com
It is held under tension by a small structure called the retinaculum and when released, snaps against the substrate, flinging the springtail into the air.
From the en.wikipedia.org
When I questioned them about that, they said that venomous snakes follow pheromones like insects do, which is even more ridiculous than the springtail statement.
From the sfgate.com
More examples
  • Collembolan: any of numerous minute wingless primitive insects possessing a special abdominal appendage that allows the characteristic nearly perpetual springing pattern; found in soil rich in organic debris or on the surface of snow or water
  • Springtails (Collembola) form the largest of the three lineages of modern hexapods that are no longer considered insects (the other two are the Protura and Diplura). ...
  • (Springtails) Very small, white, cigar-shaped, insect-like creatures capable of short jumps. These are harmless decomposers, naturally found in compost bins.
  • The most primitive insect belonging to the apterygotes (wingless forms), subclass Apterygota, order Collembola. They live hidden in rock crevices and soil.