For those who have the Google toolbar, it has a handy internet spelling checker.
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You can also use an online spelling checker such as Spellonline.
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These are not difficult errors to fix, they are akin to running a spelling checker on human language.
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On submitting an article, I discovered that there is a spelling checker before articles are submitted.
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A spelling checker has been requested for Wikipedia, but has not been implemented yet, except as a third-party extension.
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Like many other programs, Scripsit can also include a spelling-checker, which proofreads documents and is a godsend to the careless typist.
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An identical advert appeared in The guardian without any problems, but it's well known the The Grauniad does not use a spelling checker.
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I thought for a moment that someone had invented software that seached peoples writing like a spelling checker, looking for rudness and suggesting politer alternatives.
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Maybe you can take your spelling checker on a nice romantic date to Sheesh and discuss the correct word to use while gazing longingly across the table into one another's eyes.