Algorithmic improvements were responsible for the remaining 30,000-fold speedup.
From the
The cause of the recession is automation and speedup in manufacturing processes.
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Rather, executives blamed the speedup in subscriber flight on the weak economy.
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That can be a very large speedup, reducing some problems from years to seconds.
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Thus the size of the computer would be restricted, but the speedup would be lower.
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In addition, he called for a speedup in collection of estate and gift taxes.
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The temporary speedup in business expensing will cost another $55 billion.
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Bob's analysis showed that hardware improvements only accounted for a 1,000-fold speedup.
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The speedup in the final week, however, pulled them through to at least modest increases.
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More examples
Acceleration: the act of accelerating; increasing the speed
In parallel computing, speedup refers to how much a parallel algorithm is faster than a corresponding sequential algorithm.
(n.) The ratio of two program execution times, particularly when times are from execution on 1 and P nodes of the same computer. Speedup is usually discussed as a function of the number of processors, but is also a function (implicitly) of the problem size. ...
Speedup is the ratio of wall-clock time required to complete a given calculation using a single processor to that of the equivalent calculation performed on a concurrent machine. Its value ranges from 0 to the number of processors used for the parallel run. ...
Speedup is a multiplier indicating how many times faster the parallel program is than its sequential counterpart. If Tseq is the time taken by the sequential program (on one node) and T(P) is the time taken by the parallel program on N nodes, speedup S is given by the following.