Christian soteriology is unlike and not to be confused with collective salvation.
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The soteriology of Paul's statements in this matter has long been a matter of dispute.
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Balthasar's soteriology, christology, and eschatology, are here developed.
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They adapted Wesleyan soteriology to accommodate their new understanding.
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Either or both are considered in different versions of soteriology.
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Soteriology and mystic aspects in the cult of Cybele and Attis.
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You must also uphold sola scriptura and a correct soteriology of justification by faith and by grace alone.
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For Weber, religion is best understood as it responds to the human need for theodicy and soteriology.
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John Wesley has historically been the most influential advocate for the teachings of Arminian soteriology.
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More examples
The branch of Christian theology that deals with salvation as the effect of a divine agency
(soteriological) of or relating to soteriology
Soteriology (/su0259u02CCtu026Au0259riu02C8u0252lu0259du0292i/; Greek: u03C3u03C9u03C4u03B7u03C1u03AFu03B1 su014Dtu0113ria "salvation" from u03C3u03C9u03C4u03AEu03C1 su014Dtu0113r "savior, preserver" and u03BBu03CCu03B3u03BFu03C2 logos "study" or "word") is the study of religious doctrines of salvation. Salvation theory occupies a place of special significance in many religions.
The study or doctrine of salvation
(soteriological) Having to do with the concept or expectation of salvation.
Theological field studying the mission and work of Christ as Redeemer (Soter). Also, refer to the article on the Dogmatic Tradition of the Orthodox Church.
The section of Christian theology which treats of the saving work of Christ for the world. It includes not only the doctrines of Atonement and Grace, but also (a) the doctrine of human nature as affected by the fall and by sin... ...
The study or discussion of "soteria" or "salvation;" click here for more details on the NT view of soteria
A short-hand word for the subject of the method and means whereby we are saved.