But the old smoothy isn't above making a few catty remarks about Grace Jones.
From the independent.co.uk
Rutger Hauer, now more portly than androidesque, even turns up as a corporate smoothy.
From the time.com
Considering the gently shifting position, has old smoothy-chops van Praag won the argument?
From the independent.co.uk
Revolutions rarely happen quickly, peacefully and smoothy.
From the economist.com
Greg Hicks's Claudius is a cock-sure smoothy usurper who is hardly surprised that privately praying for forgiveness is a waste of time.
From the morningstaronline.co.uk
Blenders are best for making shakes, but when you want a gourmet, smoothy recipes, try introducing freshly squashed veggie juice in your own home juicer on your smoothie.
From the yallsjoynt.com
She loves hamburgers, unhealthy snacks and enjoys the company of a sleazy man, such as Mickey Rourke, rather than a smoothy, like George Clooney, she tells us.
From the guardian.co.uk
More examples
Smoothie: someone with an assured and ingratiating manner
A smoothie (also known as a "smoothy") is a blended, chilled, sometimes sweetened beverage made from fresh fruit (fruit smoothie) or vegetables and in special cases can contain chocolate. ...
A hotrod that has had all raised portions of the body removed including moldings and sometimes chrome