These sites give you a chance to cheer or smirk at what the big names are doing.
From the
On some level, surely the agony of irony evokes at least a smirk of recognition.
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So dropped the biased smirk and realize he better than any player on your squad.
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Yes, it has Willis back as John McClane, his scars temporary, his smirk less so.
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For all its very explicit coupling, nothing in Platform is written with a smirk.
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If you look at the pictures from the left, that smirk looks like a heavenly halo.
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There's that world-class droopy mustache that makes him seem in a constant smirk.
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Serve with a smirk and your best impression of the piquant wit of Roger Sterling.
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Hostesses smirk, but they know what I'm talking about and usually accommodate us.
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More examples
A smile expressing smugness or scorn instead of pleasure
Smile affectedly or derisively
A smirk refers to a smile evoking insolence, scorn, or offensive smugness. "A constant smirk upon the face, and a whifling activity of the body, are strong indications of futility," the Earl of Chesterfield once wrote in a letter to his son. ...
An uneven, often crooked smile that is insolent, offensively self-satisfied or scornful; To smile in a way that is affected, smug, insolent or contemptuous