English language

How to pronounce slander in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms asperse, besmirch, calumniate, defame, denigrate, smear, smirch, sully
Type of accuse, charge
Has types traduce, assassinate, badmouth, drag through the mud, libel, malign
Derivation slanderer
Type Words
Synonyms aspersion, calumny, defamation, denigration
Type of attack
Derivation slanderous
Type Words
Type of defamation, calumny, calumniation, hatchet job, traducement, obloquy, speech act
Has types mud
Derivation slanderous

Examples of slander

Yet another propaganda piece in the ongoing slander against vitamin supplements.
From the economist.com
It is vital to our democracy that we debate and disagree, not slander and shoot.
From the freep.com
So Donah can go right ahead and play the same game of slander and scape-goating.
From the economist.com
No one was too small to be threatened with a slander suit, including Weintraub.
From the businessweek.com
Knox insists she is innocent in Kercher's death and denies the slander charges.
From the abcnews.go.com
Yet again Journalists should be taken to court for slander against Thomas Cook.
From the money.uk.msn.com
It is the worst form of slander to tell these children that no one wanted them.
From the washingtontimes.com
He then filed a lawsuit against Gibson for breach of confidentiality and slander.
From the courier-journal.com
Leach's lawsuit includes allegations of libel and slander and breach of contract.
From the heraldtribune.com
More examples
  • Defame: charge falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone; "The journalists have defamed me!" "The article in the paper sullied my reputation"
  • Words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another
  • Aspersion: an abusive attack on a person's character or good name
  • (slanderous) calumniatory: (used of statements) harmful and often untrue; tending to discredit or malign
  • Defamationu2014also calumny, vilification, and traducementu2014is the communication of a false statement that harms the reputation of an individual person, business, product, group, government, religion, or nation.
  • (Slanderous (song)) The Blackening is the sixth album by American heavy metal band Machine Head. Recorded in a period of four months, the writing process began in early 2005, and recording concluded in late 2006, the album was released March 26, 2007. ...
  • A false, malicious statement (spoken or published), especially one which is injurious to a person's reputation; the making of such a statement; to utter a slanderous statement
  • (slanderous) Both untrue and harmful to a reputation
  • The oral utterance or spreading of falsehood harmful to another's reputation. Libel is written; slander is spoken.