English language

How to pronounce slackness in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms slack
Type of looseness, play
Derivation slack

he hadn't counted on the slackness of the rope.
Type Words
Synonyms inanition, lassitude, lethargy
Type of weakness
Type Words
Synonyms laxity, laxness, remissness
Type of neglect, neglectfulness, negligence
Derivation slack

Examples of slackness

The slackness of the surface makes moving around on it more like running in sand.
From the stltoday.com
In the final, some 90 minutes later, that slackness was clear from start to finish.
From the independent.co.uk
There was slackness on our own part and a bit of desperation to try to win the game.
From the independent.co.uk
This tightens and firms the muscles, reducing slackness and restoring shape and tone.
From the express.co.uk
On Friday night, that slackness was mainly down to poor concentration.
From the telegraph.co.uk
Albion where not lifted by their fans but by the Wolves teams slackness.
From the expressandstar.com
If her nerve holds, she can also be expected to seize upon any slackness.
From the nzherald.co.nz
He woke up early, felt a little slackness on his right side, a little slowness in his speech.
From the latimes.com
This slackness ill suits a country still facing the threat of large-scale terrorist attacks.
From the newsweek.com
More examples
  • Inanition: weakness characterized by a lack of vitality or energy
  • Slack: the quality of being loose (not taut); "he hadn't counted on the slackness of the rope"
  • Laxness: the quality of being lax and neglectful
  • Slackness refers to vulgarity in West Indian culture, behavior and the music associated with these cultural changes, especially the decline of roots reggae music. Today, it also refers to a subgenre of dancehall music with crude, sexual lyrics performed live or recorded. ...
  • Slackness is a collaborative album between acoustic ska vocalist Chris Murray and the New York City ska band The Slackers. Two songs (Running From Safety, Rastaman Rock) also appear on The Slackers and Friends, as different versions. ...
  • Not to be confused with Lin Yutang's notion of "The Noble Art of Leaving Things Undone," slackness [from the same Latin word for "loose" which gives us "languish" and "relaxation"] refers to a blameworthy lack of due or necessary diligence, precision, or care. ...
  • Lewd, vulgar lyrics popular in DJ singing