English language

How to pronounce skirmisher in English?

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Type Words
Type of battler, belligerent, combatant, fighter, scrapper
Derivation skirmish

Examples of skirmisher

Pirate players can choose from either a captain or a skirmisher.
From the en.wikipedia.org
From the third century BC, the Roman legion added a skirmisher type of soldier to its tactical formation.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Davenport is a seasoned skirmisher on the color line.
From the time.com
The Thracian troops of Andriscus would have primarily been Peltast skirmisher infantry and light cavalry.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Kirby, who was carrying only a flare pistol, escaped by blasting a skirmisher between the eyes with his last flare.
From the time.com
Skirmisher tactics were given greater emphasis as gunpowder weapons increased in reliability, accuracy, and rate of fire.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Correspondents embedded with American troops have told of soldiers laughing hysterically after shooting an enemy skirmisher.
From the bostonherald.com
Marching through a hail of canister and skirmisher fire, the 3,000 or so Middle Guardsmen advanced to the west of La Haye Sainte, and in so doing, separated into three distinct attack forces.
From the en.wikipedia.org
But, when the Republicans reached the gentler slopes above, the volleys of the Austrian regulars crushed their skirmisher swarms, and the Austrian cavalry, striking them in flank, rode over them.
From the en.wikipedia.org
More examples
  • Someone who skirmishes (e.g., as a member of a scouting party)
  • Skirmishers are infantry or cavalry soldiers stationed ahead or alongside a larger body of friendly troops. They are usually placed in a skirmish line to harass the enemy.
  • An infantry soldier used for skirmishing
  • (skirmishers) scouts who provided information on enemy strength and location, geography of the land ahead, and also screened the movements of the main force from enemy detection.