Rocks high in silica produce silicic acid as a weathering product.
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The water was rich in silicic acid, so the bloom was dominated by phytoplankton called diatoms.
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Vacuum insulation panels consist of a tightly sealed shell and porous core material made of silicic acid.
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Unusually, diatoms have a cell wall composed of silicic acid.
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Higher organisms are only known to use it in very limited occasions in the form of silicic acid and soluble silicates.
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T. aurantia does this using an enzyme called silicatein to catalyse the conversion of silicic acid in seawater into its silica spikes.
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But in the area where the researchers were working natural blooms had already depleted much of the silicic acid, which the diatoms use for shellmaking.
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Other factors that can affect diatoms include rising temperatures and falling levels of silicic acid, which diatoms need to build cell walls.
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Keele researchers found that callose initiated silica formation in undersaturated solutions of silicic acid and catalysed silica formation in saturated solutions of silicic acid.