There is always a slightly-less-sharp, more-sheeplike character to fill in the gap.
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It was well above middle C, acid to even my duff lugholes, sheeplike in its bleating.
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Her sort of sheeplike, liberal opinion once reflexively favored Israel.
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The audience, sheeplike, follows suit.
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So is it taking a break time, breaking it off time, or running as fast as I can to a therapist time to try to overcome this sheeplike mentality.
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And that the degradation of our rights and the sheeplike, blinking acceptance of that paves the way for more and more degradation of our rights?
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What he thinks is most important for the future of trees is to encourage diversity and it is important that we are not sheeplike in planting what a few gurus recommend.
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More examples
Like or suggestive of a sheep in docility or stupidity or meekness or timidity
Resembling a sheep: docile or uncomplaining, or willing to follow a leader blindly