English language

How to pronounce send away in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms dismiss, drop, send packing
Type of terminate, dismiss, displace, fire, force out, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, sack, can
Verb group drop
Type Words
Synonyms can, dismiss, displace, fire, force out, give notice, give the axe, give the sack, sack, terminate
Type of remove
Has types clean out, dismiss, lay off, pension off, drop, retire, furlough, send packing, squeeze out

Examples of send away

send away
Wizardmon found the eighth Digivice and he tricked DemiDevimon to send him away.
From the en.wikipedia.org
After all, what would be your asking price to send your child away for adoption?
From the upi.com
The people at Audi apologise and send a lorry to take the car away, in disgrace.
From the guardian.co.uk
Instead, he'll either buy a new TV or send away for the converter box coupons.
From the chron.com
Harris was visibly moved by the gesture, but had to send Rosenthal away again.
From the cnn.com
A traditional Dravidian family will not send away any guest without at least one meal.
From the en.wikipedia.org
Pick your pictures, pick a theme, pick your recipients, and send away.
From the techcrunch.com
Fans wanted to blow things up and possibly send away captain Patrick Marleau in the summer.
From the dallasnews.com
The flu gave many Coloradans a good reason to send away for a bottle.
From the denverpost.com