Linda, from the Scottish RSPB, managed to free it using kitchen scissors and sellotape.
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If you can't afford double-glazed windows try plastic wrap and sellotape to cut out draughts.
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I think I'm going to print it out in a groovy font and sellotape it to the wall above my monitor.
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Gallery staff have been equipped with extra sellotape to patch it up in the event that it gets torn.
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Suspended precariously on bits of sellotape, you think the whole thing might collapse at any moment.
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Removing any sellotape with infinite patience, before removing the egg like someone decomissioning a nuclear missile.
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The news, when we originally ran the story, saw us wanting to create a crude mangina with the aid of some sellotape.
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Sellotape a strip of card into a circle, which you can place the hardboiled egg on to dry, once it's been painted.
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Who else would make little models from cardboard, sellotape, blu-tack or whatever's at hand to explain complex concepts?
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More examples
Cellulose tape: transparent or semitransparent adhesive tape (trade names Scotch tape and Sellotape) used for sealing or attaching or mending
Scotch tape: fasten or attach with sellotape; "The hotel manager scotch taped a note to the guest's door"
Adhesive tape; To seal something with adhesive tape
N. Trademark for a clear plastic adhesive tape used for repairing tears or broken items. This tape is the United Kingdom's best known clear tape brand that any such tape is often called "Sellotape." This is much like the use of the American 3-M Co.'s "Scotch" brand as a name for any clear tape. ...
N. Ironically enough, what we call sellotape (derived from "cellophane tape"), Americans call Scotch tape (a brand name of 3M Corporation). The company Sellotape is (unless I am very much mistaken) the largest manufacturer of sticky tape in the UK. ...
N. 1. Scotch tape. This was originally a brand name. Australians beware: the Australian equivalent word Durex should not be used in the U.K. where Durex is brand name of a contraceptive device. In Mexico Durex is a brand name of a sock manufacturer. (I guess ``Durex'' is definitely not to be used.)