English language

How to pronounce self-protection in English?

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Type Words
Synonyms self-defence, self-defense
Type of protection
Has types martial art

Examples of self-protection

Unlike a natural tan, self-tanning doesn't confer any significant UV protection.
From the orlandosentinel.com
It's a tale of innovation and self-protection, against a backdrop of generosity.
From the sfgate.com
Hammer out details and boundaries for your own self protection and peace of mind.
From the suntimes.com
Many internal members are likely to withhold their names for self-protection.
From the economist.com
Both were armed with standard issue Browning 9mm pistols for self-protection.
From the thisismoney.co.uk
Dehorning also has the issue of self-protection and breeding status for the animal.
From the economist.com
This is humor that invites intimacy, whereas the barbed kind promotes self-protection.
From the businessweek.com
Bound up in this idea of love is protection and service and self-sacrifice.
From the evangelicaloutpost.com
Obama voted four times to deny citizens the right of self protection, even in their home.
From the dispatchpolitics.com