English language

How to pronounce seed catalogue in English?

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Synonyms seed catalog
Type of catalog, catalogue

Examples of seed catalogue

seed catalogue
The seed catalogue is hardly identifiable, and the composition seems too loose.
From the guardian.co.uk
Curl up by the fire with a seed catalogue, or go to the potting shed to sharpen your tools.
From the express.co.uk
Check out the Diggers Club's online seed catalogue and your local nursery for heirloom varieties.
From the smh.com.au
It was my much-missed friend Elspeth Thompson who first told me about the Plant World seed catalogue.
From the telegraph.co.uk
Wrap up your favorite seed catalogue with a gift certificate.
From the washingtonpost.com
The tree was ordered out of a seed catalogue by a son-in-law.
From the time.com
Nowadays, the growth of vegetarianism and healthy eating and faraway holidays have widened our tastes and the seed catalogue.
From the telegraph.co.uk
Of course I did not save any of that seed, so I tried again, this time ordering seeds from a catalogue.
From the thestate.com
He has been spotted ordering some bird seed, a rocket pack and a massive anvil from the ACME catalogue.
From the edp24.co.uk